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简介1.2006高考英语模拟题2.陕西成人高考高起专英语考试科目模拟试题(二)?3.高三英语高考题4.高三地理模拟试卷及参考答案5.我在准备高考英语的复习,请问 曲一线的《5年高考3年模拟》 和《天利38套》有何不同侧重?6.高考英语总复习的目录非谓语动词作状语用法详解 作状语是非谓语动词的主要功能之一。正确运用非谓语动词作状语是考生必须掌握的最基本英语语法知识之一,也是NMET及其同等水平考





5.我在准备高考英语的复习,请问 曲一线的《5年高考3年模拟》 和《天利38套》有何不同侧重?







⒈不定式作目的状语 一方面不定式可以独立作目的状语;另一方面不定式还可以用在so as (to) 或 in order (to) 后,表示目的。从结构上讲,不定式作目的状语放于句首时,通常用逗号和句子隔开;如果放于句末,通常不用逗号:

名题1 (2003北京海淀区高三第二学期期中练习 · 26)

_____ their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English.

A. Improving B. To improve C. Improved D. Having improved

解析 本题考查非谓语动词作状语。不定式放于句首,说明了酒店员工积极学习英语的目的。答案为B。

名题2 (2003北京东城区高三总复习练习(一)· 26)

______ time and labour, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only three fingers and a thumb.

A. To save B. Saved C. Saving D. Having saved

解析 本题考查非谓语动词作状语。不定式放于句首,说明了漫画家在画人物的手指时为什么只画三个手指和一个大拇指。答案为A。

名题3 (’99SHMET · 18)

—Mum. Why do you always make me eat an egg every day?

—_______ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.

A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be

解析 本题考查非谓语动词作状语。分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、伴随情况;不定式作状语多表示目的和结果。问句以why 开头,暗示了要用非谓语动词作目的状语。作目的状语的不定式可用in order to 来引起;有时为了强调,也常常放在句首。答案为C。

2.不定式作结果状语 不定式作结果状语时放于句末,其前面时常有副词only(In the last analysis or final outcome:—最后的分析,最终结果:):

名题4 (2004陕西省高三调研题 · 27)

The American troops tried many times to break into the mosque, _______each time.

A. beaten back B. only to be beaten back

C. being beaten back D. having been beaten back

解析 本题考查动词不定式作结果状语。A项为过去分词,其基本属性是表示“一个早于谓语动词而发生的被动动作”,通常说明谓语动词发生背景;C项为现在分词的被动体,其基本属性是表示“一个和谓语动词同时发生的被动动作”,但这种形式一般不用于作状语;D项为分词完成体的被动形式,用以强调该被动动作在位于发生之前已经完成。答案为B。

3.不定式作原因状语 用作原因状语的不定式一般放于句末,偶尔也见于句首。说明谓语动作或状态产生的原因:

名题5 (2001陕西省高三调研题(一) · 27)

We all jumped with great joy ______ the news that our country would have joined WTO by the end of the year.

A. hearing B. to have heard C. being heard D. to hear

解析 本题考查动词不定式作原因状语。现在分词放于句末作状语时,一般要用逗号和句子隔开;根据题干可以看出这里只说明高兴得跳起的原因,而不是动作是否已经完成。答案为D。

不定式的这种用法常见于表示人的心理感受的形容词作表语的句式中。这类形容词常见的有:happy, glad, sorry, lucky, fortunate, unfortunate, ashamed, surprised, frightened, shocked, delighted, disappointed, anxious, impatient, foolish, rude, cruel, wrong, considerate, prompt, etc. 如:

⑴ Many people are eager to take part in the coming Olympic Games.

⑵ We shall be happy to co-operate with you in the work.

⑶ I was annoyed to hear them talk like that.




例题6 (2002天津市高三模拟试题(二) · 29)

______ the merry tune, Jack fixed the tire.

A. Whistling B. To whistle

C. Whistled D. Having been whistled

解析 题干中的the merry tune作非谓语动词的宾语,所以排除表达被动意义的C, D两项;不定式放于句首只能作目的状语;现在分词放于句首时,可以作伴随状语,说明“杰克一边吹这欢乐的小调,一边装这轮胎”。答案为A。


例题7 (2004陕西省高三调研题 · 31)

All night long he lay awake, _______ how to drive the American invaders back home.

A. to think B. thinking C. thought D. being thought

解析 现在分词作伴随状语。(译文: 他彻夜未眠,思量着如何把美国鬼子赶回家。)答案为B。


名题8 (2003南昌高三测试题 · 26)

______good , the food was sold out soon.

A. Tasting B. Tasted C. Being tasted D. Having been tasted

解析 taste 可作系动词,所以没有被动形式。C项是现在分词一般体的被动形式,表示一个和句子谓语同时进行的被动动作;D项是动名词完成体的被动形式表示一个早于谓语动词的被动动作,但动名词不可以作状语。作状语时,如果要表示一个早于谓语动词的被动动作,用过去分词即可。答案为A。

名题9 (2004南阳市高三第二次模拟试题 · 34)

—A traffic jam?

—Oh, no. _______, the right side of the road is closed for the time being.

A. To be repaired B. Being repaired C. Repaired D. Having repaired

解析 句子的主语是the right side of the road,它和非谓语动词“维修”之间属被动关系,所以排除D;而C过去分词虽然也表示被动,但在时间上却早于句子的谓语;A项虽为被动,但表示的是将来,只说明暂时封闭的目的;B项说明路正在维修,作原因状语。答案为B。


⑴ Seeing the door locked, he realized that he would have to turn back in vain again.

⑵ Not knowing her address, I can’t write to her to express my gratitude to him.

⑶ Not having finished her work, she had to work extra hours.

⑷ They sent us their statement, hoping to get our support.

3.作时间状语,相当于when 引起的从句:

名题10 (2003天津市重点中学联考题 · 34)

______the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _____ out of her life.

A. Seeing; frightened B. Seeing; frightening

C. Seen; frightened D. To see; frightening

解析 首先小姑娘看见蛇说明see 和句子的主语是主动关系;C项是过去分词,其根本属性是表示被动,表示一个在句子谓语发生之前已经发生的一个被动动作;D项虽然表示了和主语之间的主动关系,但不定式的根本属性是表示将来。所以,C, D均可排除。而frightened (受惊的)作状语说明了主语受惊后的状态;frightening (令人恐惧的)说明主语的特点。答案为A。

名题11 (2004太原市高考模拟试题 · 26)

_______ to her apartment, she found her necklace missing.

A. To return B. Returned C. Being returned D. Returning

解析 题中的return意为“返回”,因而不可能有被动形式;不定式放于句首通常只能是作目的状语,因此不和题义。而这里现在分词放于句首相当于一个由when连接的时间状语从句,表示这动作一发生,谓语表示的动作立即发生。答案为D。


⑴ Be careful when crossing the street.

⑵ When leaving the room, she forgot to lock the door.

⑶ She got to know them while attending a conference in Beijing.

⑷ Don’t mention this while talking to him.


名题12 (2001NMET · 35)

______ such heavy pollution already, it may not be too late to clear up the river.

A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered

解析 本题考查非谓语动词作状语。按照传统语法,现在分词作状语,其逻辑主语必须和句子的主语相一致,但这里分词的逻辑主语是river(作宾语),又有already 提示“suffer”发生在谓语之前,故用现在分词完成体作状语。答案为A。

名题13 (2003广州市高三调研题 · 27)

______a seat, she left her books on it.

A. Found B. Finding C. To find D. Having found

解析 根据题义,只有找到座位,才可以把书本放在上面。只有现在分词的完成体D才说明了“find”发生在谓语动作发生之前。答案为D。




名题14 (2003辽宁省重点中学连考题 · 35)

______ , the young man is healthy and strong..

A. Fully developed B. Fully growing C. Full developing D. Full grown

解析 本题考查非谓语动词作状语。首先,分词前要用副词来修饰;其次,grow是不及物动词,可以说grow quickly(长地快)、grow old (变老),但fully growing就不和逻辑了。而develop vt (使发展)。A和句子的主语是被动关系,说明了该年轻人身体强健的原因是因为得到了全面发展。答案为A。

名题15 (2004昆明市高三模拟试题 · 28)

______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose

解析 Lose 是及物动词, 意思是“专心致志于…”, 后接反身代词; lost in thought源于lose oneself in thought。答案为C。


名题16 (2002辽宁省重点中学连考题 · 25)

______ in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing...

A. To look at B. Looked at C. Looking at D. To be looked at

解析 题中的look at 是及物动词,而句子的主语situation 和 look at 只能是被动关系;D项虽为被动体,但不定式放于句首时只能作目的状语,其语法功能和题义不符。答案为B。

名题17 (2003太原市高三统一练习题(三) · 30)

_______ with developed countries, we still have a long way to go.

A. To compare B. Compared C. Comparing D. Being compared

解析 本句可以转换为复合句“If we are compared with developed countries, we still have a long way to go.”由此得知句子的主语we和compare之间属于被动关系,所以要用过去分词。答案为B。

4. 一般情况下非谓语动词作状语时,要求非谓语动词表示的动作和谓语动词的主语相同,但也有少数分词短语实际上已经成为固定结构,表示说话人对说话内容所持的态度。如:

名题18 (2000高考春招 · 17)

______the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.

A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given

解析 given在此意为“鉴于”、“考虑到”。这种评说性的独立成分作状语,其逻辑主语不要求和句子的主语保持一致。这种情况下,分词短语的逻辑上的主语和句子的主语是不一致的,可以看作是一种独立成分.例:

⑴ Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.

⑵ Considering his age, the child reads well.

⑶ Taken as a whole, there is nothing wrong.

⑷ Given their inexperience, they have done a good job.


5. 分词作状语时,有时前面可以加上一个连词。连词than, as, once, if, unless, though, even if等之后,均可以接一个过去分词作状语,这时,分词的逻辑主语是分词的动作对象。

名题19 (2002NMET

The research is so designed that once _______nothing can be done to change it.

A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun

  解析 :本题考查的是过去分词作条件状语从句时的用法.在这儿once begun可换成once it is begun,故最佳答案是D项.

名题20 (2002上海春招)

When _______, the museum will be open to the public next year.

A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed

  解析该题考查过去分词充当时间状语的用法.同样把when completed还原成when it is completed便可知最佳答案为A.

名题21 (2002合肥市高三第二次抽样考试 · 28)

______ who she was, she said she was Mary’s cousin.

A. Asked B. When asked C. When asking D. Asking

例:⑴ Once recovered, he went all out to do his work.

⑵ Though beaten by the opposite team, the players didn’t lose heart.

⑶ If carefully done, the experiment will be successful.









3. 求:全体学生准备好问题进行提问,可以请王教授解答。





第二节: 读写任务


Our environment is getting worse and worse with the increase of the world population, which affects the environment in two ways. Firstly, the limited energy resources will be used up much faster. Secondly, the increasing population creates more pollution, another severe problem that needs to be solved. Both problems are long-term ones because actions taken now show their results slowly over many years. They are also urgent because delays in action can lead to great suffering and social problems. The question seems to be difficult to handle for most people. However, a person can be a protector of environment in everyday life if he takes action to save the environment right now. With the development of technology, cars make transportation easier and quicker than before, but we can’t ignore the disadvantages brought to us by more and more cars in use. For instance, we are using petrol and will soon be gone. What’s more, the exhausted gas from cars pollutes our air, and our health is therefore threatened by air pollution, which has a big potential effect on our daily life. So we can think of walking, taking buses instead of driving cars alone. This seems to be a very slow process that can’t be so effective if it’s taken by a single person. But when more and more people become aware of the importance and positively take it as their personal responsibilities, the condition of the air will be improved to a great extent.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“环境保护”这个主题写一篇短文,至少包含以下的内容要点:











Martin Luther King Jr. who was born in Jan. 1929 in Atlanta the US was a famous human right leader for the blacks. He took an active part in the movements, fighting for the equal rights for black people. In August, 1963, he organized a rally with 200000 blacks and at the same time issued his famous speech --- “I have a dream” It is in 1968 that he was assassinated when giving a speech. In my opinion, he was a great human rights fighter for mankind



Dear Mr. Hong,

Recently I have read your story in the newspaper that you who was a poor student grow up to be independent by bring up your adopted sister.

It’s known to all that a spirit of independence can have a good effect on adolescents. It can push us to learn more and lead us not to give way to difficulties. I have a similar experience as you did. Little child as I was 10 years ago, I was independent so that I went to school on my own. One heavy raining afternoon, I was on my way home alone though it rained cats and dogs. Despite the rain, I walked so carefully that I wouldn’t fall to the ground. At last, I went home safely. My parents were so proud of me. After reading your experience, I really want to make friends with you. I hope we can meet someday.




Independence Is Important

Recently HongZhanhui’s story capture public concern. Hong who was a poor student grow up to be independent by bring up your adopted sister.

There is no doubt that a spirit of independence plays an important role among teenagers. But in fact, many parents just indulge their children so they don’t realize its importance. A spirit of independence can make teenagers grow up maturely. On one hand, it has a great effect on their life. Once they possess such spirit we won’t give way to difficulties so easily. It will let us keep on fighting until the final victory belongs to us. On the other hand, with such spirit, they will adjust to the society easily. What Hong did make me realize what we should do when facing difficulties. I do hope everyone can learn from him.



命题人:晏云星 审题人:郑寨明





1.What’s the total price of the two rooms for two nights?

A. More than 160 pounds B.45 pounds C. 90 pounds

2.Where are the two speakers?

A. In a market B. In an office C. In a field

3.How many stories is jenny going to read next term?

A. Two B. Seven C. Five

4.What does the man really want to do?

A. Read the advertisement B. Look for a job C. Five

5.What’ s the time now?

A. 8:30 B. 8:00 C. 9:00




6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a school. B. In a shop. C. In a teacher’s office.

7. What’s the woman?

A. A new teacher. B. A worker. C. A new student.


8. Why can’t the woman go to the movies?

A. She has to review her lessons.

B. She has seen the movie before.

C. She doesn’t want to go with the boy.

9. What does the man think of the woman?

A. She never studies hard.

B. She used to study well.

C. She couldn’t pass the exam.

10. Why does the woman feel nervous?

A. The exam will be difficult.

B. She hasn’t studied for a long time.

C. She is always afraid of exams.


11. What is the main topic of the. conversation?

A. The suggestion for Susan.

B. The guitar lessons for Susan’s son.

C. The guitar lessons for Mary Jackson.

12. When is the woman going to take her lessons?

A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday.

13. How much will the woman have to pay for her lessons each time?

A. 8 dollars. B. 6 dollars. C. 4 dollars.


14. What did the couple buy?

A. Some honey. B. A television. C. A telephone.

15. Where is Jack’s brother?

A. In the store. B. In Jack’s house. C. In his own house.

16. How is the woman going to the office?

A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi.

17. What is the man going to do tonight?

A. Watch a TV show. B. Do some cooking. C. Call his wife.


18. What can we learn from the text?

A. It is sunny in the morning there.

B. The radio station is in Santa Monica.

C. The radio station is owned by English Corner.

19. What will the weather be like at noon?

A. Rainy. B. Cold. C. Windy.

20. What can we learn about the beach in Santa Monica?

A. It is a good place for parking cars. B. It is a good place for eating. C. It has the best coffee shop.




21.- Did we get good seats for the game?

w- ?I’m just happy to be here.

w-Well, but I don’t want to sit too far from the field.

A. What do you mean. B. Who cares. C. What would you say. D. Why don’t you say it earlier.

22. We are having our daughter’s wedding at the end of the summer. Do you think you ?

A. can see it. B. can make it. C. can see to it. D. can make that.

23.- Mary has fallen ill again.

w-It seems that she is unable to herself the climate here.

A. adopt, to. B. adapt, into. C. adjust, to. D. suit, for.

24. Mobile phones have been increasing since the end of last century.

A. to scale. B. in consequence. C. in detail. D. on a large scale.

25. They have to stand all day for five days a week. must be very tiring.

A. It. B. They. C. There. D. Which.

26. Mary could be very good at her studies, but she too much in following the fashion .

A. spends. B. spent. C. was spending. D. had spent.

27. John has always been doing well in that company. During the holiday he went on a trip to Australia,


A. all expenses paid. B. all expenses paying. C. paying all expenses. D. paid all expenses.

28. The stronger the is , the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

A. acquisition. B. comprehension. C. association. D. motivation.

29. Lily’s mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never again.

A. to find. B. to be found. C. finding. D. being found.

30. When foreigners think of china, they always it with the Great wall.

A. associate. B. advertise. C. attach. D. combine.

31. I have always been honest and pointed, and it doesn’t matter that I’m talking to.

A. who is it. B. it is who. C. who it is. D. it is whom.

32. The twin towers tell down. It a huge piece of chocolate had been melted down.

A. was as if. B. looked like. C. was likely. D. looked as.

33. I’m sorry I can’t spare any ink for you, for, you see, I have myself.

A. nothing. B. no one. C. no. D. none.

34. Researches show that people who smoke a lot are likely to risk their lives, but those who drink a lot are .

A. as twice likely to. B. likely to as twice. C. twice as likely to. D. as likely to twice.

35. As a European, Mary is not to using chopsticks.

A. adapted. B. accustomed. C. suitable. D. willing.


My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling 36 , but I lways knew he was 37 . He never criticized us, but used 38 to bring out our best. He’d say,“If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.”I 39 as a child I said something 40 about somebody, and my father said, “ 41 time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you .”He explained that if I looked for the best 42 people, I would get the best 43 . From then on I’ve always tried to 44 the principle in my life and later in running my company.

Dad’s also always been very 45 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was 46 a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a 47 : stay in school or leave to work on my magazi-


I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, 48 any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said,“Richard, when I was 23,my dad 49 me to go into law. And I’ve 50 regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, 51 I didn’t pursue my 52 . You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”

As 53 turned out, my little publication went on to become student, a national 54 for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad 55 me.

36. A. biologist B. manager C. lawyer D. gardener

37. A. strict B. honest C. special D. learned

38. A. praise B. courage C. power D. warmth

39. A. think B. imagine C. remember D. guess

40. A. unnecessary B. unkind C. unimportant D. unusual

41. A. Another B. Some C. Any D. Other

42. A. on B. in C. at D. about

43. A. in case B. by turns C. by chance D. in return

44. A. revise B. set C. review D. follow

45. A. understanding B. experienced C. serious D. demanding

46. A. taking up B. making up C. picking up D. keeping up

47. A. suggestion B. decision C. notice D. choice

48. A. and B. as C. even if D. as if

49. A. helped B. allowed C. persuaded D. suggested

50. A. always B. never C. seldom D. almost

51. A. rather B. but C. for D. therefore

52. A. promise B. task C. belief D. dream

53. A. this B. he C. it D. that

54. A. newspaper B. magazine C. program D. project

55. A. controlled B. comforted C. reminded D. raised




In every school there is a “top”crowd that sets the pace (起领头作用), while the others follow the example. Let’s say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that for some people bright red is rather unsuitable. The suitable can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles are e-

ndangering their lives. They are like sheep being led to the slaughter (屠宰).

Now, it is likely that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life. In fact, it is likely that at one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saving,“Gee, the crowd does it.”Well, let the crowd do it, but don’t do it yourself. Learn to say“No”. Develop your own standards and your own judgments. If you know the crowd is pla-

nning something of which you disapprove, have the courage to bow out gracefully. You’ll have the satisf-

action of standing on your own two feet.

56.The main idea of this passage is that .

A. in every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace

B. it is unnecessary to follow the “top” crowd blindly

C. at one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong

D. people who follow the “top” crowd are endangering their lives

57. The author disapproves of wearing red sweaters if .

A. the crowd is wearing them B. you can’t afford them

C. you don’t look good in red D. it is against school regulations

58. People who follow the “top” crowd blindly .

A. are rebels B. have no respect for their parents

C. are afraid of the crowd that sets the pace D. sometimes do things against their own judgments

59. The phrase “bow out” may probably mean .

A. give up doing something B. make an excuse C. feel sorry D. be ashamed


Paris, Jan. 11—An armored car (装甲运钞车) robbery last night ended in a wild gun battle that left two men dead and a hostage (人质) seriously wounded.

The drama began when an armored car carrying the contents of sale deposit boxes to a bank was str-

uck by a large truck, the police said.

The bank guard were helpless when the robbers jumped out of the truck and tied them up. They used heavy tools and explosives to break open the armored car.

A passing police car turned to investigate accident as the men were removing the contents of the armored car. The police said the three robbers fled on foot across a nearby highway.

Stopping a private car driven by a teenaged girl, the three headed for central Paris with the police car in hot pursuit (穷追不舍).

A plainclothes (便衣的) policeman saw the car as it drove through the street of the Latin Quarter. The policeman tried to stop the car, but the thieves started shooting at him, the witness said.

The girl hostage tried to slip away. Just as she was crawling away from the car, she was hit by a bull-

et. Police said she was out of danger at Central Hospital.

The gunmen gave up the car and got into a shop, pouring fire on more than 50 policemen who had surrounded the building. After a wild gun battle, the police broke into the room. They only found two of the gunmen, both seriously wounded. The third thief was believed to have escaped with over $1.3 million in cash and jewels.

60. The passage is about .

A. a gun battle between the policemen and the soldiers

B. a bank robbery in Paris

C. a group of gunmen’s rog an armored car in the street

D. how a teen-aged girl got seriously wounded

61. The thieves came and they .

A. in a police car, stole the armored car

B. in a truck; blasted the armored car away

C. in an armored truck; drove the money car away

D. in an armored car; opened the armored car with heavy tools

62. The three robbers fled on foot across a nearby highway because .

A. a passing police car found them B. the explosives were too strong

C. the contents of the armored car were too heavy D. the truck broke down

63. After a wild gun-battle, .

A. the robbers were shot dead

B. the police got back what they wanted

C. the police failed to get back what they wanted

D. 50 policemen were killed and two robbers were seriously wounded


Without fur or hair, most mammals would be pretty uncomfortable. That’s because a furry covering shields mammals’ bodies from the weather, keeping them warm and dry — sort of like your clothes do for you.

Of the 5,000 kinds of wild mammals, only a few are nearly hairless. These creatures developed other ways to thrive comfortably.

Many animals thrive in their near-naked-ness. Elephants, rhinos, and hippos don’t have fur. They all live in hot places, where the trick is to keep cool. Being practically hairless is one way these animals deal with the heat. They use mud, dust, and water to protect their skin from sunburn. Whales spend all of their time underwater. Their body fat keeps them warm, so they don’t need fur coats. Naked mole rats live entirely underground, where the temperature stays warm year-round. No need for hair there!

Hair has a special importance for some animals. If it’s long and colorful, or short and cropped in dif-

ferent shapes, it can attract lots of attention from the opposite sex. Think about that the next time you see a male lion’s mane (鬃毛) at the zoo or a teenager with a spiked (麦穗般的) Mohawk hairstyle at the mall (商业街)!

Some people call humans “naked apes”. That’s not entirely accurate, though. An adult human’s body is covered with about five million hairs—the same number that an adult gorilla (大猩猩) has.

However, human hair is generally shorter and thinner than gorilla hair. You may have to look closely to see the hairs on most of your body.

64. Which of the following uses of the mammal’s hair is not mentioned?

A. Keeping cool. B. Keeping warm. C. staying attractive D. Keeping dry.

65. The reason why a teenager wears a spiked Mohawk hairstyle at the mall may be that .

A. he wants to be friendly B. he wants to draw a girl’s attention

C. it is too hot D. he wants to follow suit

66. What is mainly talked about in the 4th paragraph?

A. The use of a male lion’s hair. B. A special hairstyle.

C. Some special use of the hair. D. The reason for the hair.

67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Most mammals feel pretty comfortable with their fur or hair.

B. Rhinos, and hippos often live in tropical areas.

C. Gorilla hair is generally longer and thicker than human hair.

D. Humans are“naked apes”.


It is common knowledge that drug abuse (滥用毒品) leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people, particularly youngsters, continue to use drugs? Psychologists claim that there are three basic moti-

vations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors. Sometimes, youn-

gsters take drugs seems to be the“in-thing”for their generation, so they want to know what drugs are like. The trouble is that they do not know that taking soft and seemingly innocuous (无害的)drugs can develop into cravings (渴望) for stronger stuff later on. In some cases, youngsters are depressed or discouraged b-

ecause of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex. They take drugs to escape from the stress brought on by all these problems. In other cases, the environment is helping to group where other youngsters take drugs, he may soon be tempted to follow suit, for fear of ostracism or non-acceptance.

There is a growing agreement nowadays among social workers and psychologists that the best possible approach to the problem of drug addiction (瘾) among the young is for school authorities, social workers and the Police Narcotics Division (缉毒警察) to work together to provide young people with much-needed education on the effects and dangers of drug abuse. Parents who always scream at their chi-

ldren and nag (唠叨) them about their failings and weaknesses are regarded as unwitting (无心的) drug pushers. As far as young people are concerned, a warm and happy family, wherein members share both joys and sorrows and where children get maximum encouragement and support, is the say that a happy home is a drug-free home.

68. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason why some youngsters take soft drugs?

A. Their parents are drug-takers. B. They wonder what drugs are like.

C. They are disturbed by problems. D. They think that soft drugs are not harmful.

69. Social workers and psychologists hold a common belief that .

A. the Police Narcotics Division should take all the responsibility for the problem of drug addiction among the young

B. parents ought to be educated about the effects and danger of drug abuse

C. young people tend to be addicted to drugs

D. the concerned authorities should join efforts to educate youngsters about the evil consequences of drug addiction

70. A youngster who grows in a community where people around him take drugs .

A. may be tempted into doing the same thing to be accepted

B. may run away from home for fear to be involved in it

C. may be very careful of his choice of friends

D. may also take drugs to suit the trend

71. The best way to prevent youngsters from taking soft drugs is .

A. to issue a ban on the sale of drugs B. to give them a warm and loving family

C. to punish the drug addicts D. to teach them principles


Nowadays more and more foreign enterprises and companies are no longer relying on interviews for employment. Years of studying interviewing have made clear that it is not a very objective process. Perso-

nnel officers often hire the person they like best, or even the one they think most physically attractive. Lo-

oking good is no guarantee (保证) of doing the job well, however. Uglies of those who are aesthetically (审美地) challenged, lose heart.

To get a more objective view, many companies are also using psychological (心理的) tests to hire both for relatively routine jobs and for positions at senior levels of management. It is impossible to say how many employers use tests, but estimates of test sales in the UK for 1993 were over 1 million.

The basic reason employers use tests is clear: tests claim to be scientific and objective. A large body of research has shown that interviews by themselves are not very reliable as a method of selection. Peop-

le’s judgments are often very subjective: whether they like the look of someone counts for more than alm-

ost anything else. But reliable and valid tests can offer rapid and more objective information about a would-be employee. If a candidate talks well in an interview but his test results suggest that he is a carel-

ess person who cannot concentrate, an employer is likely to think twice about hiring him.

Taking a serious test for a job is rather different from taking a game-like test. You can spend just a little in answering questions of that kind of test, and


成考快速报名和免费咨询: 在本文中陕西成人高考网为同学们准备的是高起专英语考试科目中阅读理解的模拟试题,快来阅读练习吧!



Some farmers in California are having a hard time picking their crops.There are not enough workers to help them with the harvest.

One farmer used to grow peaches(桃子) , but will soon grow almonds(杏仁) instead.Peaches require more labor to harvest.They are easy to be damaged and need careful hand picking.He is now removing his peachtree s.Then he will plant almond trees in their places.Almonds are harvested differently.It does not take as many workers to pick them because a machine shakes the almond trees.The nuts fallon the ground and then are gathered up.The farmer does not have to hire many workers.

Some farmers think there are two reasons why they can't find enough farmworkers.One reason is that there area lot of well-paid construction jobs in the area.Many people are taking these jobs instead of picking fruit.The other reason is that it has become more difficult for workers to come from Mexico into California.Fewer workers are allowed to get into the country to work on the fruit farms.To settle the problem, farmers hope the might allow these workers to work as guests.That would help workers provide for their family and help farmers harvest their crops.When the harvest season is over they'll go back home.Farmers say that unless things change, more fruits will come from other countries. This is because labor is cheaper in those countries than in the United States.

36.What problem do some farmers have? ( )

A.They have no workers to remove fruit trees.

B.There is little land for growing fruit.

C.Their crops were badly damaged last year.

D.It's difficult to harvest their crops.

37.Why does the peach farmer start to plant almonds?( )

A.There is a greater demand for almonds.

B.Growing almonds takes much less land.

C.A machine can help get almonds off the trees.

D.Almonds will fallon the ground when ripe.

38.Why can't some farmers find enough workers to pick fruit?( )

A.They grow too many peach trees.

B.People prefer well-paid construction jobs.

C.Few people want to work in California.

D.Theydon't want to hire workers from Mexico.

39.What will happen if the situation does not improve?( )

A.The wil hire workers to help with the harvest.

B.More people will move to California from Mexico.

C.Other countries will provide cheaper labor for US farmers.

D.More fruits will be bought from other countries.


Scientists have long tried to be able to know more about floods.So far, the best that scientists can do is to recognize the conditions for flooding.

Although deep snow alone seldom causes floods, when it occurs together with heavy rain and sudden warmer weather, it can lead to serious flooding.If there is a fast snowmelt(融化) on top of frozen or very wet ground, flooding is likely to occur.Me ling snow also causes highwater levels in rivers. Whenever rivers are already at their highest possible levels, heavy rains will result in the rivers'flooding the nearby land.

Rivers covered in ice can also lead to flooding.When ice begins to melt, it breaks into large pieces. These pieces of ice move and float down the river.They can block the river, causing the water to rise and flood the land up the river.If the iced am(坝) breaks suddenly, the large quantity of water held behind it can flood the areas down the river too.

Broken ice dams are not the only problem that can cause flooding.When a large human-made dam breaks or fails to hold the water collected behind it, it will also cause serious damage.

Although scientists can not always know when floods will occur, they do know a great deal about when floods are likely, or probably, going to occur.

40.What have scientists achieved in dealing with floods?( )

A.They have prevented many rivers from flooding.

B.They have reduced the damage caused by floods.

C.They have learned much about conditions for flooding.

D.They have found most of the ice damson the river.

41.When will deep snow lead to floods?.( )

A.The snow suddenly gets frozen.

B.The top of the ground becomes wet.

C.I trains hard with a big rise in temperature.

D.The snowmelt s gradually into a river.

42.What happens when ice dams break?( )

A. They may quickly block the river.

B.The ice covering the river may melt fast.

C.A larger iced am may soon be formed.

D.The areas down the river maybe flooded.


It was Sharing Day!The teacher had asked the students to bring something interesting to class.

Jimmy found the little box he and Dad had made.Inside was apiece of rock, as and dollar and ashark(鲨鱼) tooth.Nobody could have anything as interesting as these!

In class, Jimmy waited anxiously, hoping to be called on first by the teacher.But Kara was first.She held up as and dollar.Jimmy's eyes grew big.

“I found this on the beach, ”Kara said.“It's interesting.The little holes that make the sand dollarlook like a flower are breathing holes.See all the needles?They help the sand dollar move and dig into the sand.”

Jimmy was a little uneasy.Oh, well, he still had his rock and sharktooth.

Then Mark stood up.“This is my favorite rock, called pumice(浮石) .”Then Mark dropped the rock into a glass of water.“Look!Pumice is the only rock that floats!”

Jimmy put up his hand and waved, but the teacher called on Justin instead.“I found this sharktooth in Hawaii last Christmas, ”Justin said.

The class was excited, but Jimmy lowered his head.“Sharks have rows of teeth.Everytime a shark loses a tooth, another one takes its place.”Justin passed the tooth around.Jimmy heard the teacher call him.He stood on one foot and then the other.“Well, ah, see...my treasure box is interesting!It was just apiece of wood until Dad and I cut it into pieces and finally made a box out of it.It smells good, reminding us of camping.

“What's inside?”asked Lisa.

Jimmy opened his box.“As and dollar, a piece of pumice and a sharktooth.”

His classmates'mouths dropped open.The teacher looked at the objects in the box and smiled.“Now that's interesting!”he said.

43.On the Sharing Day, Jimmy___( )

A.bought a treasure box to hold his interesting things

B.enjoyed the things others brought to the class

C.waited patiently to be called on by his teacher

D.wished to be the first to share his possessions

44.What does as and dollar look like according toKara?( )

A.A hole. B.A needle.

C.A flower. D.A tooth.

45.Who shared with the class a rock that floats?( )

A.Lisa. B.Kara. C.Justin. D.Mark.

46.How did Jimmy's classmates feel when they saw the things in his box?( )

A.Disappointed. B.Surprised.

C.Anxious. D.Uneasy·


Nineteen-year-old Melissa Goza couldn't figure out why she failed to get a bankcard time and time again.It only became clear when she was unsuccessful while looking for a new job in a Target store:Three df ferent people are using her Social Security number(社会保障号) .

Target is one of the companies using credit(信用) reports when hiring new workers.Atleast one credit report didn't favor Goza in geting the job.Avery low credit rate(评价) was under Goza's Social Security number.Target, as required bylaw, told Goza why the company couldn't offer her the job.

Sacramento lawyer Jennifer Shaw, a specialist in workplace law, says creditreports are just one more way employers use to find dishonest jobseekers.“I think we need to know that, right now, there's more information out there.And that means, there's more information that can be used against us,”said Shaw.

Goza's dark cloud may, however, have a silver lining.Target told her she'd be considered again for the job if she could get a letter from the Social Security Department proving that she's the right owner of the Social Security number.

Now that Goza knows she's suffered from other people's wrongdoings, she wil order copies of her creditreports to see what she can do to put things right.

47.What do we know about Goza?( )

A.She got the job from Target.

B.She has had three bad friends.

C.She doesn't have a bankcard yet.

D.She was not honest with Target.

48.What did Target first do when refusing to offer Goza the job? ( )

A.They asked her for creditreports.

B.They told her why she couldn't get the job.

C.They found out her wrongdoings.

D.They reported it to the Social Security Department.

49.What does“a silver lining”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?( )

A hopeful future.

B.A bank report.

C.An official letter.

D.A Social Security number.

50.What does Goza have to do next?( )

A.Clear up her wrong creditreports.

B.Get a new Social Security number.

C.Find a job in another company.

D.Apply for a new bankcard.



成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料: style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">高三地理模拟试卷及参考答案

When I talked with my grandma on the phone,she sounded weak ,but by the time we___ up ,her voice had been full of life.A,were hanging B,had hung C,happens D,would hang 答案是C,我想知道A为什么不对,我刚打算挂电话,不是很通吗?


by the time引导时间状语从句,在这里were hanging可理解成“要挂电话”,就是将来的意思,跟第四个答案类似。“到了挂电话时(一般过去时表示过去将来的)

By the time he arrives, we will have stayed there, waiting for him.

The boy ____ hot on the forehead ,so he must be sent to hospital at once.

A,is felt B,is feeling C,feels D,has felt 答案是C,为什么不能选B?


I am feeling better.我(此时此刻正)感到好多了。

Late again!Where____?

Sorry ,I ____in the heavy traffic,or I would have been here earlier.

A,were you;have got stuck B,have you been ;have got stuck

C,were you;got stuck D,have you been;got suck



Where were you?

I was in the school.(现在怎样,不知)

Where have you been?你去哪了?(直到现在,了解现在的情况)



If I had not got stuck in the heavy traffic, I would have been here earlier.

我在准备高考英语的复习,请问 曲一线的《5年高考3年模拟》 和《天利38套》有何不同侧重?

高三的日子是苦的,有刚入高三时的迷茫和压抑,有成绩失意时的沉默不语,有晚上奋战到一两点的精神双重压力,也有在清晨凛冽的寒风中上学的艰苦经历。下面给大家带来一些关于 高三地理 模拟试卷及参考答案,希望对大家有所帮助。






























12.黄土塬(黄土高原地区面积广阔、地面平坦的黄土高地)上水循环过程不同于黄土高原 其它 地貌类型区,其最弱的环节是















































































材料二:我国城镇化目前存在许多突出问题,比如“土地城镇化”快于人口城镇化,建设用地粗放低效;城镇空间分布和规模结构不合理;“城市病”问题日益突出;自然历史 文化 遗产保护不力,城市建设缺乏特色。











高三地理模拟试卷及参考答案相关 文章 :

★ 2020人教版高三地理专项模拟试题含答案

★ 高三考前模拟测试地理试卷

★ 2020高考文综备考模拟试题及答案

★ 高考专题

★ 高中地理关于环境保护的模拟题

★ 高三学习方法指导

★ 2020高三英语高考模拟试题及答案

★ 高三年级文综三模模拟试卷

★ 2020年高考地理总复习资料

★ 各科试题特点及答卷情况是怎样的



我们现在是二轮复习,进行专项训练,不过学校资料纯粹是略讲多题,我早已解决完。最近,我以做模拟题为主,像做过的 金考卷--北黄卷,猜题卷,感觉质量不错。

天利38套 是我现在做的题,说是2010卷,其实是09年模拟题。里面的题,应该选作一部分,针对你所在的省市考题模式。 而53主要是分块复习,针对语法和考试模块,讲解细致。不过我把它当做一轮复习资料,在全面复习时自己先分块训练。

这两套都挺厚。如果你也人在高三,那就只能择一。你的专项知识比较牢固,学校针对专项训练有资料或题页的话,你最好做模拟卷,进行准高考训练,然后针对错题回归具体知识。如果你的基础知识相对薄弱,那就选53,而且不能全做,要优先做自己最差的部分,53的高考题模拟题汇编很经典,你可以对应检测自己的复习效果。但你仍需要一本模拟卷,像 金考卷 系列,每册9套题,很适合少量精炼,而且是最新的各地名校试题,很有参考价值。



第一板块 基础知识

第一章 冠词和数词

第二章 代词

第三章 名词和主谓一致

第四章 形容词和副词

第五章 动词

第六章 动词的时态和语态

第七章 非谓语动词

第八章 介词

第九章 简单句和并列句

第十章 复合句

第十一章 it的用法

第十二章 倒装

第二板块 专项练习

专题一 听力

专题二 完形填空

专题三 阅读理解

专题四 短文改错

专题五 书面表达

第三板块 模拟试题













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