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简介1.高考英语听力原文 录音稿2.决胜高考英语阅读应先把握单句理解3.求高考英语答案.2007年(山东,第25题)4.2007~2010高考英语满分作文 10篇(含题目)楼上的你把05年的拿来凑数干吗?人家要的是今年07年的温州高考理科状元 滕佳佳:女,温州市区人,毕业于温州中学高三(8)班。 高考成绩:总分692分,浙江省理科第9名,温州理科第一名。 最喜欢的一句话:快乐的生活是有希望、有事做、有

1.高考英语听力原文 录音稿



4.2007~2010高考英语满分作文 10篇(含题目)












高考英语听力原文 录音稿

(本人 回答 此类 问题 绝对 不会 匿名)


发送的是本人仅有的个人原创的学习资源:《2006-2010全国各地高考 英语听力 MP3、原文》不含题目。共5个RAR文件。(其中,本人未能搜集到:①全国卷2的所有听力文件及录音原文;②2006重庆听力原文)。

个人原创。亲自花费 近一星期时间 搜集下载试听校对整理而成。


祝你在高考中取得好成绩! 加油!!!




Text 1

W: Where are you from?

M: I’m from Atlanta, but I live in New York now.

W: I live in Washington D.C.

Text 2

W: OK, John. How much do you pay for electricity and telephone services?

M: My electricity bill is about 50 dollars a month, and my telephone bill is usually 24 dollars a month.

W: How much do you pay for transportation?

M: 30 dollars a month.

Text 3

W: Do you happen to know what’s on after the news?

M: I think it’s the Animal World. Do you mind if we watch it?

W: Mmm… can we watch the movie on Channel 6 instead?

Text 4

M: Hello.

W: Hello. I’m calling about the apartment you advertised in the newspaper.

M: Two-bedroom or three-bedroom?

W: No, the advertisement says one-bedroom, one bath.

M: Oh, sorry. That’s not available now.

Text 5

W: Excuse me.

M: Yes?

W: I need something for drawing a straight line.

M: Oh, you want a ruler. There’s one on my desk. I’ll get it for you.


Text 6

M: Mary, I am here!

W: Oh, hi! I’m sorry I’m so late. The car wouldn’t start, so I had to come by bus.

M: Oh, no. What do you think is the matter with your car?

W: Well, it wouldn’t start at all. I mean, I turned the key and nothing happened. So I guess it’s something to do with the electrical system.

M: Well, let’s forget about that now, and order our food. What would you like? The fish is good.

Text 7

M: Right, where shall we go now? We’ve seen the church and the modern art exhibition. I don’t know what else there is here.

W: How about some shops? I could buy something to take back for the kids.

M: Mmm… yes. OK. Let’s go down here and we’ll go into the main street.

W: You know, it’s really good of you to spend so much time showing me around.

M: Oh, that’s all right. I’m enjoying it, actually. You know how it is. When you live in a town, you never really look at it yourself. Come on, let’s go down here.

Text 8

W: Do you have a moment, Mark?

M: Yeah, sure, Susan.

W: I know this is short notice, but I wonder if you’d be able to fly out and give a speech about our project this weekend.

M: But I thought you were going to do that.

W: Well, yes. I was. But I’m terribly busy at the moment.

M: This weekend? Couldn’t John go? He knows all about the project.

W: Yeah, but he doesn’t know the people, and he doesn’t know the city. Mark, I think you’re the right person for the job.

M: I get the message.

W: Thanks, Mark.

M: Yeah.

Text 9

W: Hi, Tony!

M: Hello, Kate! How are you?

W: Oh, fine, thanks. And you and Jane?

M: Oh, we’re fine. How long are you staying?

W: Just a couple of days. And then I’ll be back to work in Tokyo.

M: What a pity you are not staying in London for a bit longer. Anyway, how about dinner tonight?

W: I’d love to, but I’m seeing some customers from Oxford this evening. What about tomorrow?

M: That’d be lovely. Jane will be pleased.

W: What time shall I come?

M: How about eight?

W: Great. I’ll see you tomorrow then.

Text 10

W: Oh, Frank’s in your class? He was in my class last term. I didn’t like him at all.

M: What? You didn’t like Frank? He’s one of my best students.

W: Oh, no. Not Frank! He was always asking questions. Frank always interrupted me and the other students. He was never quiet.

M: Yes, that’s Frank. That’s why he is such a good student. He is always thinking and trying to use English. He laughs a lot. Frank doesn’t worry about making mistakes. I enjoy having him in class.

W: Not me. I love students like David. Do you have him in your conversation class this term?

M: Yes, but to be honest, David is too quiet for me. I can’t tell if he’s learning. David is so silent. He doesn’t say anything.

W: Yes, that’s David. That’s how good students should be. They have to listen to their teachers.

Text 11

M: When I tell people that I paint the Golden Gate Bridge, they think I start at one end, paint to the other end, and then start again. But that’s not true. We are always painting the bridge. But we have to go where paint is in bad condition. It’s a dangerous job. You have to be careful all the time. You can’t work or appear without safety equipment. And the weather, it gets colder up here. Sometimes it’s so cold there’s ice on the bridge. You have to wear warm clothes. Sometimes it’s windy and foggy. On foggy days, you can’t see anything. Other times, you are both the fog. The view from the top is the thing that I love about the job. On a sunny day like today, you can see from the ocean to the port and all the way to the mountains.


《2007年高考英语考试大纲的说明》明确指出考生应在45分钟左右的时间里完成5篇体裁、题材不同的阅读材料。平时教师在指导学生做阅读理解时总是强调让学生?回归原文?找答案,不要自己主观判断。在学生平时练习的错误中,我们看到学生并非全篇都读不懂,在很多情况下,学生也知道问题问的是什么,也判断对了答案的范围在哪几行,甚至哪一句,但就是看不明白相关的那句话,最终,关键句子的理解错误导致做题失误,究其原因,主要是在知识上存在两种障碍。 -不会分析长句结构,看不懂句意


 1.(2005辽宁,c篇)free video magazine sent every four weeks(up to 13 times a year),with our director's selection--plus many lower-priced cassettes,down to $14.95. and you may receive special selection mailings up to four times a year(a total of up to 17 buying opportunities per year).

 每四周免费的影像杂志派送一次(每年有13次之多),附带《编者精选》,连同许多14.95美元的低价卡带。而且您还可以收到每年四次寄送的《特别精选》。(每年有多达17次的购买机会)。这句话虽然长,但是主要结构是:free video magazine sent with sth,plus sth,其他多是状语成分。

 2.(2001北京春,b篇)scientists have also found marks on hominids'teeth with patterns very similar to those on the teeth of modern day fruit eaters.科学家也发现了hominids原始人类牙齿上的斑痕和现代吃水果人的(斑痕)相似。

 3.(2006全国i,c篇)to use the same method would be self-defeating because it might reduce motivation,especially if it has failed in the past.使用一成不变的学习方法可能会弄巧成拙,减少学生的动力,尤其是这些方法过去失败过。此句的主要结构是to do sth is self-defeating.后面的because引导的从句和especially短语都是状语。

 4.(2006北京,d篇)while parents,particularly mothers,have always been attached to their infants(婴儿),societal conditions frequently made this attachment difficult to maintain(保持).虽然父母,尤其是母亲总是对婴儿怀有依恋,然而社会现实条件却使这种依恋越来越难以保持。主句的主要结构:conditions made this attachment difficult to maintain。从句中的while引导让步状语从句,意为?尽管,虽然?。

 5.(2006天津,e篇)but the internal state which remains unchanged over a period of time,and which makes the individual behave regularly in a variety of situations,is what is meant by an attitude.

 态度的意义就在于:这种内在的状态在一段时间内保持不变,而且能够使个人在各种情景中都行为正常。这个长句含定语从句,去除定语从句剩下的就是主要结构了,即the internal state is what is meant by an attitude.



 1.(2007年石家庄市质检二,a篇)capital punishment is another form of punishment which systems use in extreme criminal cases,sometimes involving such crimes as a murder,rape,and violent theft.in these cases,the person is put to death.today,capital punishment is used in relatively few countries.many countries have done away with it.in other words,capital punishment remains only in officially law books but is rarely used.however,capital punishment remains in use in some countries including the united states.从下文看,无论如何也不能把capital理解成?首都?。

 2.(2006北京,d篇)one of these premodern attachment-dis-couraging practices was to leave infants unnamed until they had survived into the second year.现代文明之前,一种减少对婴儿依恋的做法就是在婴儿存活到第二年才给其取名字。从构词法猜at-tachment-discouraging的意思。dis-courage是?不鼓励?的意思,at-tachment是?附属,依恋?。

 3.(2006全国ii,e篇)in the colorful used-clothing markets of tanzania,she realizes that ?it is only in this final stage of life that the t-shirt will meet a real market,?where the price of a shirt changes by the hour and is different by its size and even color.在坦桑尼亚丰富的旧衣市场里面,她意识到,t-shirt只有在其生命周期的最终阶段才能碰到真正的市场。那里,价格每小时都会变化,尺寸甚至颜色都导致了价格的不同。这句话是强调句型,it is?that?此句的主要结构是:t-shirt will meet are a real market in this final stage of life.in the final stage of life里没生词,但是学生不易理解,谁的finalstageoflife?从上下文看,绝不是?人?而是?旧衣服?依然在坦桑尼亚有消费市场。

 4.(2002北京春,b篇)second,there is the problem of waste.all nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years.it is impossible to make these wastes nonradioactive,and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented.for example,they may be buried under the ground?第二点,就是浪费的问题。多数情况下所有核电站废弃物都会存在核辐射数千年,要使这些废弃物不带有辐射又是不可能的,所以核废物必须用科学家们发明的一种方法来储存处理。例如,可以把它们埋在地下?

 5.(2006福建,e篇)the service is being constantly improved and a combination of better technology and increased investment following the easter floods of 1998 has led to the creation of floodline and an automatic(自动)messaging system that can warn thousands of people in very little time.服务质量不断提高。优良的技术与1998年复活节洪水后投资增长的结合促成了管道感应器和自动报警系统的出现,这两种设备可以在很短的时间内向成千上万的人发出警告。考生要练习快速理解句中的意群,如automatic messaging system自动报警系统,a combination of?的结合。


2007~2010高考英语满分作文 10篇(含题目)

2007年(山东,第25题) 答案是A

07年(全国一第30题) B

(福建33) C

(浙江13) D

(江西22) A

(湖北29) A


(重庆28) A

08年,全国二第9题 C.

(海南.宁夏,全国一,34) C


09年山东第31题 C.

后记:呵呵,回答您的问题用了我近1个小时。刚才就要结束时一个误操作,答案全没了。后来长个心眼,先用word记下来,再粘贴,OK了。答案是绝对正确的,我一一验证过了。希望对你有帮助,good luck!








提示词:竞选班长monitor election

Dear Harry,

How are things going?

Last Monday,

Best wishes,

Li Hua



In your English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.




Dear Harry,

How are things going?

Last Monday, my class held the monitor election, a fierce competition between two students really. First, the two candidates, Liu Dong and Wang Hong, gave their election speeches respectively. Then other students wrote a name of the candidate on paper and put it into a box. The teacher counted the number of pieces of paper voting for the two candidates fairly. Finally, Wang Hong got 28 votes while Liu Dong got 15. So Wang Hong became our monitor. It was an interesting election, isn?t it? Hope to hear from you.

Best wishes,

Li Hua




好词1.respectively ad.各自地2.vote v. 选举3.election n. 选举 4. fierce a.激烈的

好句1. Last Monday, my class held the monitor election, a fierce competition between two students really.上周一,我们班举行了一次班长选举,两个候选人竞争激烈。


2. Wang Hong got 28 votes while Liu Dong got 15.




Dear Harry,

How are things going?

Last Monday, our class held the monitor election. The two candidates gave their speeches first and after that other students put the paper with the name of the ideal monitor into a box. The teacher made a calculation of the number of names voted by other students. At last the result was: Wang Hong got 28 votes while Liu Dong got 15. In that sense, Wang Hong won the election.

I?d like to know how the monitor election is conducted in your class.Hope to hear from you.

Best wishes,

Li Hua


本文叙事平稳,内容完整。词语使用平实,语法运用恰到好处,以准确的表达拿到比较高的分数。本文按图叙事,用first, after that, at last连接,结构分明。长短句综合运用,句式富于变化。


好词1. calculation n.计算2.candidate n.候选人

好句1. The teacher made a calculation of the number of names voted by other students.



2. I?d like to know how the monitor election is conducted in your class.




There is a bird in the nest in the tree. She is the mother of her four children. Seeing her children flying happily in the sky, she feels very delighted. The four birds will be able to live independently and another circle of life will begin. How wonderful nature is!




好词:1.independently ad.独立地2. another circle of life生命的新轮回

好句:Seeing her children flying happily in the sky, she feels very delighted.





Directions: Write an English composition in 120~150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.





Xiao Hong, our monitor and one of my good friends, got a cold last Monday and has been in hospital for three days. We suggested seeing her to show our concern. So yesterday we went to the hospital. Since I have known for long that Xiao Hong is fond of doggy, I bought a very cute doggy toy before going there.

On seeing the toy, Xiao Hong couldn?t help screaming. She hugged the toy which was so lovely and cute again and again. She was moved because we all came to see her. We expressed our hope that she could recover as soon as possible. I told her that the doggy represented my hope of her recovering and my cherishing of our friendship. I believe she will be well soon and come back to us again!




好词:1. concern n.关心2. screaming a.尖叫的3.hug v.拥抱4.cherish v.珍爱

好句:1. We suggested seeing her to show our concern.


好处:suggest doing,建议做什么。

2. I told her that the doggy represented my hope of her recovering and my cherishing of our friendship.





假设你校举办看图征文活动,题目为“How to Protect Our Eyesight”。请你用英语写一篇短文,指出图中所反映的现象,并从阅读时间、光线、眼睛保健操及睡眠等方面,谈谈保护视力的具体做法。







How to Protect Our Eyesight

As we can see in the picture, nowadays most students wear glasses because they are short?sighted due to high study pressure. With the help of glasses, they can see the blackboard clearly.

This phenomenon must be paid attention to. We should reduce the time of reading and when we read, do read in the bright place so as to protect our eyes. Besides, the eye exercises are another way to keep eyes healthy. After school, we?d better get more sleep so that the eyes can get more rest.

As the saying goes, eyes are the window of our hearts. If you can follow the methods mentioned above, you can surely have a good eye?sight.


本文采用三段论的方式,分析图画,提出建议,提出希望,叙述比较详细。文中用了两个伴随状语,使得文章非常连贯。这个独立结构也很好。此外,作者还是用了比较复杂的句子,We should reduce the...采用复合结构,讲出了多个保护视力的要点。


好词1. phenomenon n.现象2. so as to 以便

好句1. With the help of glasses, they can see the blackboard clearly.



2. As the saying goes, eyes are the window of our hearts.




How to Protect Our Eyesight

Look at the picture and you will find the worrying phenomenon: most students now wear glasses. Because of unhealthy ways of using eyes and high study pressure, students get short?sighted easily.

However, we can do something to protect our eyes from getting short?sighted. When reading, make sure you are in the bright place and let your eyes rest every hour. If your eyes are aching,doing some eye exercises can relieve your eye tiredness. It will be good to your eyes to take enough sleep. I believe you can protect your eyes if you follow the tips.

Hope every one of you have a clear world!




好词1. ache v. 疼痛2. pressure n. 压力3. relieve v.缓解

好句1. However, we can do something to protect our eyes from getting short?sighted.


好处:do something to,采取措施。

2. If your eyes are aching, doing some eye exercise can relieve your eye tiredness.



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